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    Publish with LSE Press

    LSE Press is an open and innovative publisher of journals, books and new forms of publishing. Our mission is to support the launch and development of high quality, open access publishing in the social sciences.

    We publish books and journals and encourage and facilitate innovative and experimental publications. Through rigorous peer-review and the use of innovative digital approaches we promote the widest possible engagement with social science research.

    Please contact us if you wish to discuss any aspect of LSE Press.

    Book Publishing

    LSE Press provides a flexible and supportive approach to reviewing and developing your book. We provide a unique developmental peer review and editing process where our team will work closely with you. We believe research and teaching resources should be free to read and can also promote greater equity in academic research.

    We are committed to funding and publishing high-quality publications from a diverse range of authors, both established academics and Early Career Researchers from across the social sciences. Get in touch with your book idea at LSE.Publishing@lse.ac.uk and meet us for an informal online chat.

    You can download a copy of our proposal form here.

    process for getting a book accepted

    process for getting a book accepted

    Journal Publishing

    LSE Press publishes a range of open access journals covering topics in the social sciences. All of our journals are editorially independent and follow COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) guidance and the LSE Press Publishing Ethics Policy.

    If you are interested in starting a new journal or transferring (or flipping) an existing journal to LSE Press, please get in touch: LSE.Publishing@lse.ac.uk