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  • Chapter 5.3: The civil service and public services management systems

    Patrick Dunleavy

    Chapter from the book: Dunleavy, P et al. 2018. The UK's Changing Democracy: The 2018 Democratic Audit.

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    Citizens and civil society have most contact with the administrative apparatus of the UK state, whose operations can powerfully condition life chances and experiences. Patrick Dunleavy considers the responsiveness of traditionally dominant civil service headquartered in Whitehall, and the wider administration of key public services, notably the NHS, policing and other administrations in England. Are public managers at all levels of the UK and England accountable enough to citizens, public opinion and elected representatives and legislatures? And how representative of, and in touch with, modern Britain are public bureaucracies?

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    How to cite this chapter
    Dunleavy, P. 2018. Chapter 5.3: The civil service and public services management systems. In: Dunleavy, P et al (eds.), The UK's Changing Democracy. London: LSE Press. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31389/book1.p

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    Published on Nov. 1, 2018
