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  • Chapter 7.3: Equality and ethnic minorities

    Sonali Campion, Ros Taylor

    Chapter from the book: Dunleavy, P et al. 2018. The UK's Changing Democracy: The 2018 Democratic Audit.

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    Sonali Campion and Ros Taylor examine the extent to which the media and political representation of ethnic minorities in the UK, and their consequent treatment in public policy terms, tend to foster democratic public life. Where previous historical inequalities and discrimination against ethnic minorities are being rectified, is the pace of recent change fast enough? Are there areas where UK society is moving backwards in terms of tolerance and equality for all?

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    How to cite this chapter
    Campion S. & Taylor R. 2018. Chapter 7.3: Equality and ethnic minorities. In: Dunleavy, P et al (eds.), The UK's Changing Democracy. London: LSE Press. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31389/book1.ae

    This chapter distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution + Noncommercial + NoDerivatives 4.0 license. Copyright is retained by the author(s)

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    Additional Information

    Published on Nov. 1, 2018
